
Our Social Security
Advocates’ Mission
is to Help You

We’re here for you, every step of the way.

We’re Here to Fight for You

You’ve worked hard all your life to earn a living, support a family, pay the bills, grab a piece of the American dream.

Now, because of injury or illness, you can’t.

It’s a scary time, a time when you need help. Perhaps it’s the first time you’ve ever needed anything from anyone.

On any day, fighting through all the paperwork and detail necessary to get benefits from the federal government is very difficult. When you’re disabled, less than your best, worried about money, concerned about taking care of yourself and your family, the challenge is often overwhelming.

That’s why we’re here for you. Every step of the way. Fighting for your benefits is the only thing we do and we take pride in doing it well.
We’ll evaluate your case free of charge. No obligation.

If you decide to work with us, we’ll handle everything from your initial application through hearing (if necessary).

Offering Hope & Comfort

The best way to learn about potential eligibility for Social Security benefits is to contact Aaria Connect Disability Advocates. We are experts in Social Security claims submission and the appeal process.

we’re here to help

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