
Veterans Disability Benefit Advocates

We guide and simplify the process for veterans to receive disability Benefits.
Receive compassionate, confident, and successful representation for your disability case.



Without an Advocate, 66% of Claims Get Denied

As a veteran, you know how important it is to have the right tools to get the job done. And the sad fact is that 66% of disability claims get denied without the expertise of an advocate. We know how hard it can be to ask for help, but statistics don’t lie, and this is all about getting results.

Veteran Disability Advocate

We Fight for Veteran’s Rights to Disability Benefits

Chances are, you joined the service to help create a world where people have access to the resources they need to live a safe and happy life. Now it’s your turn to take advantage of that gift. Our experts have helped countless veterans get the disability benefits they deserve, and we want to do the same for you.

Veterans SSDI

You Won’t Pay a Dime If You Don’t Win

Everyone loves a guarantee, and we have a great one when it comes to your disability claim. We’re so confident in our ability to help you get the disability benefits you deserve that if you don’t win your claim, you don’t have to pay anything at all. You get the benefit of our expertise with absolutely zero risk.

review star

Aaria Connect worked with me to quickly get VA benefits approved for a family member. This was not a simple process but the complexities were navigated diligently.

review star

Professional, knowledgeable and sincere with a great success rate.

review star

Highly professional, knowledgeable and fights hard for those who have no voice. Aaria Connect has significant experience presenting cases in court with successful outcomes.

We’ve Got You, Every Step of the Way

  • Initial Interview
    & Screening

  • Information

  • Case

  • Appeal

  • Hearing Preparation
    & Participation

Complete Support For Veterans Disability: Receive Your Benefits

If you have a disabling condition “incurred or aggravated by your military service” you are entitled to receive Veterans’ disability assistance. Aaria Connect Disability Advocates are thankful for your service and proudly ensures you receive the maximum benefits available.

Social Security Disability

As a Veteran, you are eligible for coverage under the military’s Tricare program. Our advocates are here to ensure you make the most of the benefits available to you, whether it is expediting the SSDI process based on your status or increasing your eligibility based on inclusions in the PACT Act. Learn more.

Appeals & Denials

If your claim was denied, you have the right to appeal. Our team of Veteran’s Disability Advocates is proud to represent your best interests and fight to ensure you receive the full availability of benefits you are entitled to. We stand up for your rights, just as you have stood up for the rights of people worldwide. Find out how.

VA Disability Compensation

Our mission is to help relieve the financial burden of trying to recover from or manage mental or physical conditions you’ve suffered as part of your service. As a veteran, you’re entitled to both VA disability compensation and social security benefits, and we are committed to helping you get what you deserve. Reach out to us today to get the process started.

How Can We Help?

Our expert disability advocates are here to help. Reach out to us and let us know how we can be of assistance.

Let’s Talk! Enter your detail.


How Do Disability Ratings Work for Veterans Benefits?

The monthly benefits available are based on the severity of your disability using a graduated scale. The scale is rated in 10 percent increments from 10% to 100% based on the “average detriment to earning capacity” related to your condition, injury, or disease. The higher the rating, the more severe the disability. For example, a 10% disabled veteran is entitled to receive $123 per month, while a 100% disabled veteran is entitled to receive $2,673 per month. You may also be subject to medical vocational grid rules as part of the approval process.

What Veterans Should Know About Filing for Social Security Disability

Disabled veterans are entitled to collect both Social Security disability benefits and Veterans’ disability benefits. When dealing with the Social Security Administration (SSA) you should understand the following:

  • Approval: Because 2/3 of all initial disability applications are denied, it is in your best interest to work with a disability representative to avoid delays and increase your chances of approval.
  • Application: You can apply for disability benefits at a Social Security office or online.
  • Approval timing: It generally takes from three to four months to receive the SSA’s decision. However, if you have service-connected disabilities, your case can be expedited. You will have to ask the SSA to file a I-2-1-95. Exhibit – Critical Request Evaluation Sheet. To ensure this goes through as required, a disability advocate can manage this for you.
  • Eligibility: A decision is made by a disability examiner, who gathers medical records and consults with the appropriate medical or psychological professionals to make a decision.
  • Ratings: The SSA does not assign a percentage rating based on your disability. They have their own definition of disability, stipulating your condition must last or be expected to last for at least one year or result in death.
  • Medical Records: You can expect the SSA to have difficulty collecting medical records from the VA medical center where you receive treatment. Requesting the records prior to your application can often ensure you have the records required to prove your eligibility.

Receiving Both Social Security and VA Veterans Disability Benefits

Disabled veterans may qualify for the following benefits:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): Available if you have paid into the program via your payroll taxes.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Based on income limitations regardless of how much you have worked.
  • VA disability benefits or service-connected disability compensation: A monthly benefit for veterans with a disability related to their time on active duty.
  • VA pension: Similar to SSI, this is a needs-based, income-limited program only available to Veterans.

A disability advocate can help you apply for all available benefits to ensure you have the financial support you need and deserve.

Can I Receive Disability Benefits for PTSD?

It is possible to receive benefits for PTSD, as long as you meet the required criteria and follow the correct application process. Aaria Connect Disability Advocates can help you with your application to ensure you have the best chance possible.

How To Get Disabled Veteran Spouse Benefits

There are several benefits available to Veteran spouses, including:

  • Spouse and family: $259 per month for your spouse and $75 per month for each additional child.
  • Spouse disability: If the spouse is in a nursing home, blind, nearly blind, or disabled an additional $286 monthly is available for a veteran rated permanently disabled.
  • Education: Based on the status of the student and the type of education.
  • Health care: Shared costs covered through the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).
  • Burial: Burial services, markers and gravesites for those who qualify.  

There are also state-specific benefits in some cases.